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Joint Renewables Group JRG Energy believes that water as a resource is essential for socio-economic development and for the maintenance of healthy ecosystems anywhere in the world. The proper management of this resource forms a critical component of growth, poverty reduction and equity in any nation. We can offer you solutions driven by insight, innovation and global experience to meet challenges posed by the ever changing water demand for domestic, agricultural and industrial uses. Our aim is to assist you to respond to the water resource management challenges faced by today's population challenges. Water resources issues in which we provide technical assistance include; local drinking water, large scale catchment management for water supply, irrigation water needs, hydropower schemes, flood and erosion control and protection of aquatic systems for wildlife. We can provide you with efficient and sustainable solutions to these issues that are aimed at optimizing natural flows in rivers and groundwater sources, engineered aquifer systems, rainwater collection systems, or by implementing water resource management practices to meet the various competing needs for water. Contact the JRG Energy team today and see how we can help with your water resource challenges.
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