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John Gilliland, JRG Energy Founder Interviewed on CORE Knowledge Podcast with Nick Cestari

Updated: Sep 20, 2022

JRG Energy are pleased to be the inaugural sponsor of Nick Cestari's CORE Knowledge Podcast. We believe in his message and mission and are honored to have our Founder and Operations Manager, John Gilliland be featured in an interview. Click the link to listen or download where you get your podcasts.

"With any type of energy production whether it be oil and gas, solar, wind, coal, nuclear, or geothermal it is of the utmost importance to keep your facilities operating or be able to fix them quickly and economically. I sit down with John Gilliland, Director of Operations for JRG Energy and talk about the nitty gritty of Geothermal operations and their similarities to O&G and some of the main challenges to maintaining power production." - N. Cestari


Ready to get technical?? Well, we dive deep into the operations for geothermal power production. We discuss the similarities between Oil and Gas operations and Geothermal, as well as how they differ and some of the main challenges with extracting/maintaining production. While some of the main applications for Oil and Gas can be used for Geothermal operations, there are limitations along with challenges such as high pressures and temperatures that don't allow for traditional logging, drilling etc. JRG is in the business of bringing oil and gas expertise into geothermal to help sustain geothermal production in cost effective and innovative ways.

Listen to it and then let us know what you think at info[at]

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